Friday, June 29, 2018

Adding a New Element: Vlogging

Now that I have covered most of the bases when it comes to Instagram content, I want to acknowledge another major platform for influencers and bloggers: YouTube! As of recently, I have noticed that more and more influencers who use Instagram as their primary channel have turned to YouTube for "vlogging." Vlogging is essentially the same thing as blogging, but the posts are in video form. This allows influencers to give more thorough elaborations and visuals for basically anything they presenting their audience. Let's take a look at how Sivan Ayla, an LA-based fashion and beauty influencer, uses her YouTube channel to add a whole other dimension to a brand.

Beauty-based content is one of, if not the, most popular content that Ayla produces. In the video above, we can see that Ayla uses vlogging as a way to create tutorials for her users. On top of showing you the process to getting her makeup look, she's also able to explain the reason behind using the products that she has chosen. This is another platform that some companies absolutely love to see bloggers on, because it's a very simply way for product promotion. Ayla has also used vlogging to expand her horizons as an influencer. She now uses YouTube to give tours of her house remodel or to answer Q&As on her pregnancy. Again, this is how vlogging adds that new dimension to her brand. 

I do also want to discuss the video itself. While Ayla has a distinct collection of cohesive and well-curated content on Instagram, she is able to have a bit more free rein here. In other words, she does not have to worry about visual cohesion between her vlogs because they are not displayed on a feed the same way that they would be on Instagram. However, she still maintains a consistent style throughout her videos by using simple backdrops, neutral color schemes, naturally bright light, etc. 

Vlogging is rapidly growing in popularity, and honestly, I can understand why. Ayla has successfully  incorporated a whole new platform into her "influencing" and now I can't stop watching!

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