Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Maybe You Actually Can Trust Wikipedia

I recently took it upon myself to edit the Wikipedia page, “Influencer Marketing,” which I discuss in depth in one of my previous posts, "Where to Start Learning About Influencer Marketing."

After a few weeks, I wanted to revisit the page and see if any additions or changes had been made. To my pleasant surprise, the entire original post as well as my addition to the section titled “Why on Social Networks?,” is still intact! My main reason for sharing this with you guys is because it serves as reaffirmation to my original claim that there is in fact value in Wikipedia content. 

As I said before, a lot of the “facts” described on Wikipedia should be further researched through more consistently reliable sources, but this is a great basis. If you want to learn about the basics of Influencer Marketing and have not done so already, I highly recommend starting at this Wikipedia page. 

With such a new industry rapidly growing, there’s a lot to learn, so I’m excited to keep checking up on this page as it evolves!

My Time As An Influencer In Review

From how-to's to actual interviews with influencers, I feel as though my posts have provided a variety of insight to my readers through ...