Thursday, June 21, 2018

Where to Start Learning About Influencer Marketing?

For all my high school English teachers, I have a confession: I am an avid Wikipedia user. Now, before I put anyone in a state of shock, let me explain why I find Wikipedia to be helpful. 

Given that the world of influencers is still fairly new and also constantly evolving, it’s often hard to get a full understanding of that industry. I try to stay up to date on new marketing techniques, social platforms, technological advancements, etc. (really anything that could potentially affect the market), but, yes, I am guilty of turning to Wikipedia for basic assistance in my research. While I never rely solely on Wikipedia, I have found it to be a valuable tool to gather new information or narrow my focus and then do further research on anything I find (especially to ensure it’s true). I also believe that we are responsible for helping each other learn, so I’m one of those people who actually adds to Wikipedia pages when I feel it is necessary to. That being said, when I was looking through Wikipedia just the other day, I couldn’t help but notice the vagueness of the content under, "Influencer Marketing” particularly the sub-section titled, “Why on social networks?”. The original explanation read as follows:

Brands are evolving in terms of marketing. While putting an ad on television has a high cost, working with an influencer has a negligible cost in relation to the possible benefits it can receive. For example, if an influencer has 200,000 followers on Instagram and a company gives them a product on the condition that he exposes it to his audience, this company would be making an investment of the cost of a product in exchange for reaching at least the large most followers of the public figure. More and more people areusing the Internet and more importantly speaking in terms of marketing, more and more people are using online platforms to make purchases. This increase in the number of online purchases forces some companies to invest more resources in their general advertising on the Internet and in particular on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or those already named Instagram and YouTube among others.

This information is all incredibly valuable to someone learning about the field of influencer marketing, but it only scratches the surface for a fully loaded question. I wanted to share this Wikipedia page to help others grasp the basics of influencer marketing, but before doing so, I took it upon myself to add further explanation at the end of the section:

In addition, marketing through social networks allows for an instantaneous purchase process, as a person can see the item and typically be connected to an online retailer immediately. This creates less lag time between seeing the advertisement and being redirected to the product, which is more effective for spontaneous purchases.

This information is important to include because the original author(s) gave reasons without any elaboration. While the initial version of this section acknowledged that internet promotion is more valuable than modern television advertisements, the explanation was limited to two reasons: the number of people being reached and the difference in marketing costs. This section failed to identify the third key benefit to social media marketing. Although I only edited this one section, the lack of depth existed in most of the article. This section serves as a very clear example of how the article could have benefited from more elaborations and further detail, but, overall, I will say that this page successfully gives a good framework for the topic. I will also admit that the lapse in certain detail probably exists due to the constant changing and evolving analytics in this field. Feel free to check it out yourself (and even add anything of value, if you dare).

My Time As An Influencer In Review

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