Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Male Influencer

When people first think of an influencer, most would probably imagine a female. That does not stem from sexism or some biased opinion of the industry, but rather the simple fact that females have dominated the influencer world thus far. However, as of recent, more and more males are entering into this field and the opportunities keep expanding. That being said, I wanted to give some insight to the new and rapidly growing male side of the industry by answering some commonly asked (but not always answered) questions.

Why have females "dominated" the influencer industry, so to speak?
The exact reasoning behind this could be up for debate, but the simplest answer is that females have dominated the beauty, fashion, and lifestyle industries for centuries. With these sub-industries in the forefront of influencing, females have gotten a natural "head start" in this arena. That's not to say that females will remain ahead of the curve though. Males seem to be catching up pretty quickly.

Does this mean that males are at a disadvantage to female influencers?
Actually, quite the contrary. So many female influencers have flooded the industry that it has become even harder to differentiate between them. This makes the need for a specific focus, style, etc. even greater for female influencers. Male and female influencers may be used to represent different products based on the obvious difference in male vs. female wants and needs, but overall males have a lot more leeway (at least for now) in terms of their focus, style, content, etc.

When it comes to brand partnerships, are there less opportunities for male influencers?
This question is almost a follow-up question to the last, but the answer is a little more complex. On the surface, it may seem like there are more brands that currently use women as the face of their products or services. However, this is mainly due to the fact that there are currently more females in the industry. You can think of this as a ratio of male to female influencers. As long as there are more females than males in the industry, you will likely be seeing more female influencer promoting other brands. Aside from products and services that are directed toward female audiences specifically, you should consider males to be in one large pool with female influencers.

Are there different strategies for entering the influencer industry as a male, as opposed to a female?
Not necessarily. Cohesive content will always be amongst the most important factors when it comes to building your brand as an influencer, regardless of gender. For more tips on entering the industry, take a look at my post "How to Become an Influencer."

As a female myself, I can't say that I have experienced the male side of the influencer industry firsthand. But through my experiences working with other male influencers, my knowledge and insight keeps growing. I love sharing what I have learned and will continue to do! Stay tuned for my next post, where I will continue to explore the male side of influencing.

My Time As An Influencer In Review

From how-to's to actual interviews with influencers, I feel as though my posts have provided a variety of insight to my readers through ...